Ohne diese beiden Begriffe richtig zu verstehen ist alles was RIPE angeht ein Kampf … und eigentlich nicht machbar.

Hier die Info aus dem LIR Guide:


Address space set apart by RIPE NCC for an LIRʼs future use: for their End Users and
their own infrastructure. RIPE NCC >>> LIR


Address space taken by an LIR from their allocation and given to an End User or to the LIRʼs own infrastructure. LIR >>> End User or LIR >>> to itself.
LIRs may only assign addresses from their allocation with the approval of the RIPE NCC
or if they have an Assignment Window (AW) ! Having an allocation does not automatically mean that those addresses can be used immediately!

Und nun auf DE:


Adressraum, der dem LIR von RIPE NCC für zukünftige Nutzung zur Verfügung gestellt wurde: Für die Kunden des LIRs oder für die Infrastruktur des LIR.



Adressraum, den der LIR aus seiner Allocation entnimmt und für seine Kunden oder seine Infrastruktur einsetzt.

LIR >>> End User oder

LIRs können nur Adressen aus Ihrer Allocation entnehmen,

  • Wenn diese durch ein Approval des RIPE NCC gelaufen sein oder
  • Wenn die LIRs ein Assignment Window (AW) besitzen!

Die Tatsache, dass ein LIR über ein Allcation verfügt, bedeutet nicht, dass er sofort aus dieser Adressen nutzen kann.

Über diese Mail kann man sich also freuen und versteht sie, vorausgesetzt, man hat bis hierher alles verstanden. Wenn nicht, dann back to start :=)

We have changed the Assignment Window (AW) for de.zgt.

Your AW is now set to /21 (2048 IP addresses).

This is the maximum amount of addresses that you can assign from your allocations without prior approval from the RIPE NCC.

The AW is used differently when making assignments to an End User as opposed to your own infrastructure:

End User Assignments

You can assign up to /21 (2048 IP addresses) every 12 months to each End User without prior approval from the RIPE NCC.

Infrastructure Assignments

You can make any number of assignments to your own infrastructure without prior approval from the RIPE NCC, as long as each individual assignment is not larger than /21 (2048 IP addresses).

To identify the assignments you make to your infrastructure using your AW, please add the following line to the INETNUM objects:
remarks: INFRA-AW

Assignments for Always-On Services

Please maintain IP usage statistics for broadband, mobile and other always-on services, as explained at

Requirements for Assignments

When making assignments, you are required to:

– evaluate the technical need for address space,
– keep the information gathered as long as the address space is in use; and
– register appropriate INETNUM object(s) in the RIPE Database.

If you would like to make an assignment which is larger than your AW, please submit the Provider Aggregatable (PA) Assignment Request Form for approval. The form is available at LIRPortal,

For more information about the Assignment Window, the IPv4 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy can be found at:

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.