Extreme Switches erlauben das Stacking über Ethernet, in meine Fall wird dazu die XGM3-2sf Port Option Card benutzt
Die erste Voraussetzung zur Hochzeit zweier Summit Stacks ist die identische Software. Man kann es nicht bezwingen …-=) Wenn beide Switche verkabelt sind, kann man diese Meldung sehen: Last error – Incopatible XOS:
* Slot-1 Stack.6 # sh slot detail Slot-1 information: State: Operational Download %: 100 Restart count: 0 (limit 5) Serial number: 800540-00-05 1507N-44355 Hw Module Type: X460-48x SW Version: SW Build: v1552b9 Configured Type: Ports available: 54 Recovery Mode: Reset Node MAC: 02:04:96:99:0C:B5 Current State: MASTER Image Selected: primary Image Booted: primary Primary ver: Secondary ver: Config Selected: NONE Slot-2 information: State: Failed Download %: 0 Last Error: Incompatible XOS Restart count: 1 (limit 5) Serial number: N/A(0) N/A(0) Hw Module Type: X460-48x Configured Type: Ports available: 54 Recovery Mode: Reset Node MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:00 Current State: FAIL (Incompatible XOS) Image Selected: Image Booted: Primary ver: Secondary ver: Config Selected: NONE
Slot-1 EX-BC.23 # configure stacking-support stack-ports all selection alternate#
Replaced port(s) will still be visible and configurable but such configuration
will have no effect on the physical port hardware.
This setting will take effect at the next reboot of this switch.
* X460-48x.2 # sh stacking stack-ports Stack Topology is a Ring Slot Port Select Node MAC Address Port State Flags Speed ---- ---- ------ ----------------- ----------- ----- ----- *- 1 S1 00:04:96:99:0c:b5 Operational -- 10G *- 2 S2 00:04:96:99:0c:b5 Operational -- 10G - 1 S1 00:04:96:97:ba:5a Operational -- 10G - 2 S2 00:04:96:97:ba:5a Operational -- 10G * - Indicates this node Flags: (C) Control path is active, (B) Port is Blocked