WORDBEE TERMINOLOGIE DATENBANK: Wo kann man die Einträge editieren?

Term bases can be opened in the Terminology Manager or the Translation Editor. So for term bases there are two interfaces you can use. ​ Within the interfaces you have some separate options, so feel free to check them out. While the Terminology Manager is made for actual terminology work, the work in the translation editor gives a the same interface and feature set as during translations.​ An option to recognize duplicates in Wordbee is currently not available. You can search for terms that you suspect are duplicates in the search bar and check how many times they appear. As a workaround you can export an Excel file from the terminology data base and use Excels option to find duplicates …

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WORDBEE EDITOR: Export aus der Terminologie Datenbank

Can I export labels in a text file? Unfortunately labels can currently not be exported from Wordbee in any way. I also can’t think of a reasonable workaround for this problem. I considered using custom fields (which also can’t be exported) instead of labels as they work like labels for your case but offer an additional feature: During the export into TBX you can define to only export concepts with a certain custom field value. So while technically the custom field information (aka values) will not be exported you will have a final TBX file you know only contains concepts with the „Technical“ label for instance. You may then name your export accordingly and use it somewhere else. I don’t …

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